Dirt, Dust & Granny Gears
Currently the sale and shipping of the book and the map-poster through this website is only available within Australia.
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Hiking the Bibbulmun Track
This is the illustrated story of an end-to-end hike on the magnificent West Australian ‘Bibbulmun Track’, in the very wet winter of 2021. Geert van Keulen started in Kalamunda in the Perth Hills and finished in Albany on the south coast. He camped, stayed at the shelters in the campsites and sketched his journey from start to finish. All of his sketches are placed in this book combined with anecdotes and stories of his adventure. He describes the scenery, the physicalities and the people he met on the track.
Le Grand Sentier and El Gran Camino
Le Grand Sentier is the story of a long distance trek through the Pyrénées of France, with short deviations into Spain and Andorre. This hike took place in 2003, primarily on the French side of the mountains.
Geert van Keulen hiked primarily on the famous GR-10 trail but also on the HRP [Haute Route Pyrénées]. He recorded this journey in his journal and by sketching a visual journal. All of his sketches have been placed in this book.
El Gran Camino is the story of a long distance trek through the Pireneos of Spain, with short deviations into France and Andorre. This hike took place in 2015, primarily on the Spanish side of the mountains.
Geert van Keulen hiked primarily on the GR-11 trail but also on the HRP [Haute Route Pyrénées]. He recorded this journey in his journal and by sketching a visual journal. All of his sketches have been placed in this book.