"The journey is long, the road is dark and frightening, but together we can reach our destination: the Tasmania of which we all dream, where all are welcome and all prosper, made no longer of lies but truth, built not of rich men's hate but our love for our island and for each other."
– Richard Flanagan
1997/Tired boots//Ink, watercolour
Hiking in Tassie
Australians call hiking ‘bushwalking’ and Tasmania – or ‘Tassie’ – as its colloquially known, features on the itinerary of many. Geert hiked the stunning ‘Overland Track’ twice. The first time was in 1997 and after completing the track he then hiked the ‘South West Coast Track’ and the ‘Port Davey Track’. It is the unspoiled wilderness of the South West that impressed him most and he took a large A3 sized watercolour pad to Tassie and worked in it every day.