"It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character."
— Camille Pissaro
27 October 2012/It is quite rare that Geert would find a spot on a private campground with a picnic table and this incredible view. Yet, there he sat, looking at ancient Cliffdwellers and Navajo tribal lands. The vista into Monument Valley is bordered by red crags that frame the campground/View over Monument Valley from the Goulding campground, Utah//Fineliner, watercolour//
The sketchbooks for the North American part of RITM//
10 August 2012/A group of trees sketched at a wild camp in Québec// Bamboo pen & ink, watercolour//
19 September 2012/A truck and a soda shop in Sebree, Kentucky// Bamboo pen & ink, watercolour//
27 September 2012/Downtown in Hartsville, Missouri, where I camped on the front lawn of the court house// Fineliner, watercolour//