“I crossed the tribal lands of the Passamaquoddy, Pwenobscot, Mohawk and Delaware in the North. Pawnee, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Sioux in the mid-west and the South I cycled through Navajo, Comanche, Hopi, Ute, and Apache land.
I stopped at trading posts in the reservations to buy food and fill my water bottles and I was struck by the sadness of these places. Unemployment, desert dry, corruption, alcoholism and illness. The Native Americans were always friendly and asked me where I had come from and where I would go to.
“Boston? The Boston? That’s a very long ways man.…. a long ways…”
– Navajo elder
8 October 2012/A truck stop at a coop in Basine, Kansas//Pen & ink, watercolour//
Front cover;
“Ride into the Mirror”
On Stumpjumper and Trekky
through South East Asia
[Stage Two]
Sketches & Stories
On my journey I had one nemesis and it caused a crazy amount of broken spokes, and even a few wheels. My rear wheel [third on the journey] forms the cover image
A wild camp at a misty lake in the Ozark Mountains, Missouri//
A few times I camped in the middle of towns in the States. At this place I went to the cop shop and the kind police woman told me I could pitch my tent in the park. “It’s gonna be a cold night sir…” she said.
I’m not sure I would do this again//
Tlc for Trekky, Hutchinson, Kansas//